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Epiroc unveils untapped career paths for Soweto youth

In a community where opportunities can sometimes feel limited, Epiroc South Africa took a bold step to change the narrative at the 14th Annual Soweto Career Day, held on 30 and 31 July 2024. As a first-time participant, Epiroc’s presence was more than just an introduction, it was a beacon of possibility for the young minds eager to explore careers beyond the familiar.

“Growing up in Soweto, I understood the importance of education but was often unsure about the job market and the opportunities available once I graduated,” shares Bongani Ndlovu, Internal Communications Specialist at Epiroc South Africa. “Our goal at this event was to bridge that gap by inspiring the youth and educating them about Epiroc and the diverse opportunities that exist within our company.”

The exhibition, themed around innovation and sustainability, drew significant interest from high school and tertiary students, as well as recent school leavers. Epiroc’s stand at the Orlando Communal Hall offered attendees an immersive experience, featuring visual displays of the company’s cutting-edge equipment and technologies. Visitors were also given the opportunity to engage directly with Epiroc representatives, gaining valuable insights into the inner workings of the country’s mining and construction industries.

“We were pleasantly surprised by the level of engagement from the students,” shares Ndlovu. “Their enthusiasm was palpable, and many visitors to our stand expressed newfound interest in careers they hadn’t previously considered. The positive feedback we received, including inquiries about internships and bursary programmes, affirmed that we achieved the impact that we were hoping to make.”

Beyond showcasing its technological prowess, Epiroc’s participation highlighted the importance of exposing young people to a broader spectrum of career possibilities. The interaction at the career day underscored the need for ongoing initiatives that connect the youth to industries and opportunities that may otherwise remain out of reach.

“Participating in the Soweto Career Day wasn’t just about meeting our corporate objectives,” reflects Ndlovu. “It was about challenging the status quo and showing young people that their potential is limitless. We may not change every life in one event, but if we can inspire even one young person to pursue a different path, we consider it a success.”

With this impactful first experience at the Soweto Career Day, Epiroc is already looking forward to 2025, eager to continue its mission of empowering the next generation and contributing to the sustainable development of communities across South Africa.

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