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Connecting with stakeholders is key for Trafo Power Solutions

Trafo Power Solutions is set to make a significant impact at this year’s Electra Mining Africa and will use the platform to connect with stakeholders and reinforce its position as a leader in electrical power solutions.

Connecting with stakeholders is key for Trafo Power Solutions

David Claassen, Managing Director of Trafo Power Solutions, says that Electra Mining Africa, as a cornerstone of the southern African electrical, engineering and mining landscape, offers a solid platform for the company to present its service offerings and engage with a broader audience.

Strategic presence

“Participation at Electra Mining Africa is crucial for Trafo Power Solutions, especially as a young company,” Claassen says “This event allows for direct interaction with mining operators and industry stakeholders from across the continent and the week-long engagement provides an opportunity to highlight projects undertaken since the last Electra Mining Africa and to unveil new advancements.”

Trafo Power Solutions positions itself as a comprehensive solutions provider, with dry-type transformers being a core component of its offerings. However, the company also distinguishes itself by delivering tailored power solutions that address the unique challenges of the mining industry. This approach is backed by a team with extensive experience in South Africa and Africa, ensuring a deep understanding of client operations and sustainability needs.

Claassen says that the mining industry in Africa demands high levels of innovation to overcome challenges related to power, infrastructure and logistics. “Trafo Power Solutions embraces these challenges as opportunities to develop and engineer robust solutions, and our company’s resilience and innovative mindset are key to our ongoing success in this dynamic sector.”

Trafo Power Solutions aims to be a premium Tier 1 supplier of power solutions, emphasising efficiency, operational and maintenance cost reduction and importantly alignment with its customers’ ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) targets. A solid commitment to research and development (R&D) by the company and its partners ensures that its solutions are at the forefront of market needs and technological advancements.

Claassen says that the growing focus on ESG in the mining sector has driven increased interest in dry-type transformer technology as these transformers offer significant advantages in applications traditionally dominated by oil cooled transformers. “Dry-type transformers are an obvious choice for underground mining operations, but we are also seeing enormous traction in surface mining and quarrying applications,” he says. Trafo Power Solutions has responded to this trend by expanding its dry-type transformer offerings to higher power ratings and is now capable of supplying units up to 110KV and 30MVA.

To meet the industry’s demands for timely solutions, Trafo Power Solutions has streamlined its production and logistics processes. Investments in equipment and enhanced project management practices have reduced manufacturing costs and improved delivery times. This efficiency ensures that the company can meet the stringent time and cost pressures faced by mining operations.

Visitors to Trafo Power Solutions’ stand at Electra Mining Africa can expect to engage with the team, discussing potential solutions and exploring opportunities. The stand will feature a model of a dry-type transformer with a cross-section through the medium voltage winding, offering a close-up look at the quality and craftsmanship of Trafo Power Solutions’ products.

“Trafo Power Solutions remains dedicated to pushing the envelope in power solutions and staying ahead of market trends and best practices in technology. By focusing on application-specific solutions underpinned by continuous R&D, we believe we will continue to contribute innovatively to the mining sector’s evolving needs,” Claassen concludes.

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