
Empower workers in multiple sectors with the latest incentive solutions from adumo

In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety and employee engagement, the significance of incentivisation cannot be overstated. This is clearly apparent in multiple sectors, where the inherent risks demand constant vigilance and adherence to safety protocols. “However, traditional incentive programmes often fall short in fostering the desired behaviour and attitude of workers,” comments Steve Mallaby, CEO of adumo Payouts.

Steve Mallaby, CEO, adumo Payouts

Mallaby advocates for a paradigm shift in how companies approach incentivisation, particularly in sectors dominated by blue-collar workers, from construction to mining, manufacturing, engineering, agriculture and oil and gas. “The transformative potential of modernising safety incentive programmes not only enhances workplace safety but also bolsters productivity and fosters a culture of corporate responsibility.”

Mallaby champions the concept of earned incentives, whereby workers are rewarded based on tangible results tied to clear tasks and milestones. This approach not only aligns incentives with desired outcomes, but also empowers workers by providing a transparent framework for compensation. “When workers understand what is expected of them and how they will be rewarded, they are more likely to prioritise safety behaviour.”

Moreover, modern incentive programmes have a broader societal implication. In an era where companies are increasingly scrutinised for their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, incentivising workers assumes extra significance. By prioritising the well-being of employees and promoting financial literacy, companies can position themselves as responsible corporate citizens, thereby attracting investors and fostering sustainable growth.

Crucially, adumo Payouts understands that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to incentivisation does not adequately cover the diverse requirements of multiple sectors. Instead, companies must leverage flexible solutions tailored to the unique needs of their workforce. “We provide such a solution through the adumo payment card system, which not only streamlines the distribution of incentives, but also empowers workers to make meaningful financial decisions,” says Mallaby.

By embracing modern incentive schemes, companies not only demonstrate their commitment to employee welfare, but also tap into the economic potential of empowered workers. As Mallaby aptly puts it, companies must “stop being stuck in the Dark Ages” and embrace the changing dynamics of the modern consumer market. “Traditionally, companies disbursed grocery vouchers as an incentive. However, this does not make the best use of the opportunity and does not provide the maximum benefit to either the company or the employee.”

Modernising safety incentive programmes is a rallying cry for companies across various industries to prioritise the well-being of their workforce. By adopting flexible and transparent incentive schemes, companies can not only enhance workplace safety and productivity but also contribute to broader societal goals of economic empowerment and sustainability.

“It generates loyalty and productivity in your workforce. If your incentive system is up to date, efficient, flexible, and adaptable to workers’ requirements, it is no problem, for example, to get workers to work on a public holiday like Workers’ Day, as they have peace of mind they will be incentivised properly and have access to those additional funds soonest,” says Mallaby.

An added benefit for companies in terms of brand recognition and marketing is the fact that adumo payment cards can be accordingly branded. This provides both workers and the retail sector confidence that the cards being used are backed by a reputable company that prioritises the well-being of its workforce.

“A proper incentive scheme contributes to the overall well-being of communities, putting money back into the local economy to stimulate growth and development and ensure blue-collar workers have some cash on hand, especially if they have a lot of historic debt and garnishee orders. This, in turn, contributes to meeting a company’s ESG strategy and facilitating its goals to be a good corporate citizen,” concludes Mallaby.